
More than 50 percent of 134 Class A tourist attractions in Shanghai reopen

2022-07-04 Editor : Luo Pan ECNS App Download

(ECNS) --Eight kinds of cultural and travel places in Shanghai including museums art galleries and Class A tourist attractions gradually reopened on July 1.

More than 50 percent of 134 Class A tourist attractions in Shanghai reopened with controlled capacity on Friday amid the city's return to normalcy, including Top of Shanghai Observatory in Shanghai Tower, 88th Floor Sightseeing Hall in Jinmao Tower, Shanghai Science %26 Technology Museum, and Shanghai History Museum; the Memorial Hall Scenic Area of the First, Second, and Fourth National Congresses of the CPC and other three 5A-rated tourist attractions.

Tourist attractions are supposed to implement the management of "reservation, peak-avoiding and capacity-limiting" and real-name registration system for ticket purchase reservation, guide tourists to enter the attractions in different periods, monitor the passenger flow in real time to provide early warning guidance and on-site diversion so that to further improve tourists' travel experience under the "reservation, visiting at different hours and limited capacity" requirements.

About 80 tourist attractions in the city are expected to reopen by July 8.


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