
(100 great changes) Recycling leads to sustainability

2022-12-19 Editor : Ji Xiang ECNS App Download

Building a green and efficient recycling system of urban waste resources is an issue critical to our society. Take Beijing for example. With its citizens generating 26,000 metric tons of domestic waste per day, it is important to develop efficient methods of waste sorting, disposal and transportation.

For Shanghai, July 1st, 2022 marked the third anniversary of the city's implementation of the regulations on compulsory waste sorting, the first of its kind in China. Now, Shanghai citizens have fostered a greener way of life. About 7,000 metric tons of garbage is recycled for use every day. The city's handling capacity for wet and hazardous waste has also been increased.

Since Beijing introduced its revised regulations on waste management on May 1, 2020, its citizen participation rate in waste sorting had increased year by year, reaching 99.4% by April 2022.

Other Chinese cities are developing their recycling systems as well. According to a development plan issued by China's National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, China aims to re-use 60% of its urban household waste by 2025.

A better recycling system can improve the environment, benefit human health, enhance biodiversity resilience, and help ensure sustainable development.

A single bottle, a single can, a single box all matter. Let us all participate in recycling. Together, build greener cities, and live a more sustainable life.

General Producers: Yu Lan Hu Fang

Producer: Wu Qingcai

Executive Producer: Zeng Nai

General Directors: Chen Xingang Wang kai

Chief Editors: Cao Hangyu Ma Xueling

General Coordinators: Zhao Anyuan Ren Shuai Zhu Na

Translator: Li Aike

Screenwriter: Xu Yuanzai

English Reviewers: Qi Yiling Jiang Lu

Voice Actor: Huo Yifan

Publicity Directors: Wang Shanshan Fang Min Zhou Jing



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