
410 Chinese peacekeepers in Lebanon awarded UN medals of peace

2023-07-06 Editor : Lu Yan ECNS App Download

A total of 410 peacekeepers of the 21st Chinese peacekeeping contingent to Lebanon were awarded UN medals of peace on Tuesday for their outstanding commitment to maintaining stability and peace in the south of the country.  

A medal parade ceremony was held at the Chinese peacekeepers' camp in Hanniyah village in southern Lebanon to honor the Chinese peacekeeping contingent, which is a part of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).  

In his address at the event, Aroldo Lazaro Saenz, the UNIFIL commander, expressed his appreciation for the Chinese government's "continued support and remarkable commitment" to the UN peace mission.  

Warmly congratulating the Chinese peacekeepers, he said "this medal is a token of appreciation in recognition of your hard work performed with professionalism and determination" in the past 10 months.  

The ceremony was also attended by Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon Qian Minjian, Defense Attache Zheng Yuchong, representatives of the Lebanese armed forces, local officials and UNIFIL civilian and military personnel.      


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