
Rescue operations continue in Chongqing after heavy rainfall

2023-07-06 Editor : Li Ji ECNS App Download

Members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force were spotted transferring disabled and elderly flood-trapped residents in Wanzhou district, southwest China's Chongqing municipality from Tuesday to Wednesday.  

The rain-related mud-rock flows in Chongqing's Wanzhou district have caused heavy casualties and property losses.  

More than 37,000 people in Wanzhou have been affected by the floods and over 12,000 of them have been relocated or evacuated, local authorities said. The district has also suffered 227 million yuan ($31.34 million) of direct economic losses after more than 160 houses either collapsed or were damaged due to heavy rains.  

The local government has been ramping up efforts to combat flooding and geological disasters, evacuating residents stranded by floodwaters and mud-rock flows.  


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