
China's durian market has huge potential: Thai PM

2023-10-25 ECNS App Download

Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin said in an interview with China News Service that China has huge potential in agricultural products including durian.  

"We need to consider the sales and transportation of agricultural products," said Srettha, "A large number of Thai products have been exported to China, such as durian. Due to the high popularity of durian in the Chinese market, Thailand has exported a large amount of durians to China."  

He said that Chinese people buy 0.7 kilograms of durian per person every year, which is rare, while Thai people buy 5 kilograms of durian per person every year according to the survey data. Thus, Thai products have great potential in Chinese market, especially durian. This is an area we need to develop further.  


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