当地时间11月15日,中国国家主席习近平在美国旧金山斐洛里庄园,同美国总统拜登举行元首会晤,两国元首同意推动和加强中美各领域的对话合作。全球化智库(CCG)副主任、美国国防大学艾森豪威尔学院原经济系主任大卫%26middot;布莱尔(David Blair)在接受中国新闻网专访时表示,美中两国恢复军方联系,建立互信,对地区和平发展意义重大。美国不应再喋喋不休"基于规则"的体系,努力相互磋商,建立有活力的双边关系,彼此一起创新合作,让人民生活得更好。(陈彩霞) On November 15, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden held a summit meeting at the Filoli Estate, San Francisco. The two leaders agreed to promote and strengthen dialogue and cooperation between the two countries in various areas. In an exclusive interview with China News Network, David Blair, vice president and senior economist at the Center for China and Globalization, said the confidence-building measures that the U.S. and China are working out now are really important for the future of the world.