
Mongolian horses gallop toward the future

2024-06-24 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- As one of the world’s oldest horse breeds, Mongolian horses are famous for their stocky build, hardiness and stamina. 

Their figures and stories were carved into the rocks by humans in ancient times. These petroglyphs testify to the long-lasting friendship between human beings and Mongolian horses.

They originated from North China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

The diverse natural landscape of forests, grasslands, and Gobi Desert, has nurtured them and cultivated their endurance and perseverance.

Local people who have tamed them share similar traits.

Some raised 3,000 orphans for the country, some left their home for the construction of China’s spaceflight base, while some patrol the vast desert on motorbikes.

They fight against desertification, creating green miracles on the vast land day by day while safeguarding local peace and happiness.

In the new era, similar to the Mongolian horses that run at incredible speeds, people in Inner Mongolia are galloping toward high-quality development.

Humans have gained fresh perspectives of the world through horseback riding.

In the past, Mongolian horses accompanied human beings far and wide. Today, they are galloping toward a better future together.


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