
Seasons Through Birds' Eyes | Dashu

2024-07-22 Editor : Lu Yan ECNS App Download

The apex of summer's magnificence is reached on this day.

The advent of the Great Heat, or Dashu, heralds ample sunlight, though occasionally accompanied by cloudy and windy days. Despite the intense heat, the high summer fosters the most vibrant expressions of life.

Everything in nature thrives with vibrant energy in the season.

Under the gentle touch of the wind, life burgeons with contentment and satisfaction.

The Great Heat stands as a symbol of abundance, grand and powerful.

Both rainfall and warmth conspire to nurture opulence and lushness.

One may not evade the scorching heat. Yet, the greater loss might be to miss out on the blossom and imagination it inspires.

The solar term brims with vibrancy and expansion. Where life flourishes, spirits rejuvenate and air glows with brightness.

After the day, summer bids its farewell. Much beauty may be fleeting, appearing only once.

Thus, the symbol of Great Heat is also farewell, although the parting is joyful, exultant and clear.

In the Great Heat, love and being loved accumulate with the fieriest intensity. Therefore, the next phase is teeming with fortune.

(Jointly produced by China News Service and Dalian News Media Group)


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