
Seasons Through Birds' Eyes | Autumn Equinox

2024-09-22 Editor : Lu Yan ECNS App Download

On Autumn Equinox, also known as Qiufen, the sun once again shines directly over the equator, resulting in equal lengths of day and night. People situated along the same meridian witness sunrise simultaneously once more. 

Different from Spring Equinox when there is a sense of ample time ahead, Autumn Equinox signals a time for simplification. The past has bestowed upon people much kindness, and the future requires no further elaboration.  

Yet, Autumn Equinox is by no means a moment for lamenting desolation. Separation and reunion have their ordained paths. Separation means both parting and another departure. 

There is always a day in life to spread the wings and soar. Though abundant hope is to pursue the towering mountains and vast rivers, finding where the heart belongs is the most serene posture of life. 

Every hope we nurture is like the seeds of spring, deeply rooted and constantly growing. They keep growing despite storms and hardships. It is through this growth that our hopes yield a bountiful harvest. 

As the heat dissipates and clarity settles over the earth, life adopts a tranquil demeanor. 

Efforts may not always resonate, but the wait promises a reward worthwhile. 

Despite cycles of growth and decline, beneath the surface, time remains impartial, showing no favoritism.

If you remain true to yourself, time will not let you down.

The rarest treasures in the world are peace of mind as well as the light in the eyes. 

(Jointly produced by China News Service and Dalian News Media Group)


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