
Foreign couple's cultural tour on Chongyang Festival in Changzhou

2024-10-11 Editor : Meng Xiangjun ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- It's time for the Chongyang Festival, a cherished traditional holiday in China. This is also the first autumn that Jess and Rory are spending together in China. The young couple, who currently working in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, have had the chance to immerse themselves in the traditions and food of the Chongyang Festival for the first time.

From hiking at Shunguo Mountain to taking a boat ride through the ancient town of Jiaoxi, Jess and Rory have fallen in love with the rich culture and stunning landscapes of China. They're already looking forward to inviting their family abroad to join them next year and experience this warm and beautiful autumn in China.


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