
Her Name is Gulibaikere

2024-11-07 Editor : Gong Weiwei ECNS App Download

This film is about time and people who carefully preserve the memory of time. The main character, Gulibaikere, works as the guardian of the Jiaohe ruins, and her father and grandfather worked in the same job. Therefore, my story is also about the continuity of generations and what unites them and also about why these people choose to work every day in very difficult conditions, what is the value of preserving the ruins for them.

This film contains 4 chapters: memory, job, home and time. In each of the chapters I look at Gulibaikere's work from different angles. I also film ruins with a drone, use time-lapses, ask the same questions to Gulibaikera and her father, and also talk about the nature of time.


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