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Beijing seeks to update subway signs, with prohibition 'No Loudspeakers'

2023-05-09 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- With the increase of transfer stations and diversification of operation modes, Beijing is soliciting advice online toward updating its subway signs in order to better serve passengers.

Local authorities said facilities at Beijing subway stations will have standardized, clear and unified sign patterns and that suburban (urban) railways and trams could refer to the newversion of sign standard.

The new version includes location signs of the third bathroom, maternal and child room, and Automated External Defibrillator (AED), as well as signsfor assistance.

Meanwhile, reminder signswill be adjusted with the new standard to include a “No Loudspeakers” sign while prohibition of “No Eating or Drinking” will replace the original dissuasion sign, with the icons of French fries and hamburger on it. Other prohibition signs such as “No Pets”, “No Long-time Staying”, and “No Vendors” will be updated.

Beijing is considering adjusting barrier-free travel signs. Specifically, the location signs of barrier-free facilities and related guidance signs have been revised, and more barrier-free location signs will be set up.


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