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Verdict on two-year-old girl's fatal fall in Hangzhou expected Thursday

2023-05-16 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- The first trial verdict on the death of a two-year-old girl who fell out of eighth-floor window after being forgotten in elevator by her nanny in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, will be read Thursday by the local Gongshu District People's Court, The Paper revealed on Monday, citing the toddler’s families.

The girl was reported to have fallen to her death on June 14, 2022, after she was left in the eighth-floor elevator of the apartment building she lived and then ventured out unaccompanied, according to media reports.

Video surveillance footage shows that the girl was left in the elevator by the nanny, surnamed Wu, when they reached the first floor.

Wu, who was checking her phone, turned around to check if the girl was following her as the elevator doors were going to close, but found the little girl had been left behind.

She tried to block the elevator’s doors with the girl’s scooter, but failed. The girl was taken to the eighth floor and then disappeared from surveillance footage.

Wu was charged by prosecutors with negligently causing the death of another and the first trial started on April 18.


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