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6-year-old Chinese boy becomes youngest Rubik's Cube player for A-level

2023-06-21 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Six-year-old Chinese boy Li Runsheng from Shaanxi competed in the professional Rubik's Cube A-level exam in Beijing to become the world’s youngest Rubik's Cube player for that level on Saturday.

On Nov. 28, 2021, when Li was four years old, he passed the B-level exam, breaking the record of the youngest player for that level in the world. He said then he wanted to achieve the goal of holding the world's youngest record for A level and now he has realized his ambition.

The A-level exam of Indian Cube Association (ICA) consists of 10 items, including three-order Rubik's Cube, four-order Rubik's Cube, sphere Rubik's Cube, among others, with each to be restored within the required a time.

“It’s not hard for me to pass the A-level exam. I’ve practiced a lot of times and I can undo my mentor now,” said the little boy.


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