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7th CIIE showcases cutting-edge technology

2024-11-08 Editor : Gong Weiwei ECNS App Download

A device that can measure blood sugar level without pricking fingers, a robot that writes “Wishing you all the best” with a traditional Chinese brush, and an “flying taxi” that ensures you a fantastic trip... Is this the future of life? The 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) has earned the title of “Grand showcase of novel technology” for cutting-edge innovations. Take a look at the image to “meet” the future at the Expo!

Shanghai TCab Tech showcased the E20 tilt-rotor electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for passengers at the automobile exhibition area of the 7th CIIE. With the low-altitude economy booming, travel via eVTOL aircraft may soon become a reality. (Photo: China News Service/Yin Liqin)

The technical equipment area focuses on three themes of technology, industry, and environmental, showcasing global high-end equipment and cutting-edge technology in digital industrial automation, low-carbon energy and environmental technology, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, and new materials.

A robot demonstrates high-speed solution to an encrypted Rubik's Cube at the 7th CIIE in Shanghai, Nov. 6, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Jia Tianyong)

Users can check their glucose levels in real time via a sensor and mobile app, without having to prick their fingers.

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