
Train derails in U.S. state of Washington, no injuries reported

2023-03-17 08:30:41Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A train derailed early Thursday on the Swinomish Reservation in the Anacortes area, in the northwestern U.S. state of Washington, according to the state Department of Ecology.

About 5,000 gallons of diesel had leaked as of 6 am, the department said. There were no injuries.

The BNSF Railway train could contain up to 10,000 gallons of diesel, according to the department.

The Department of Ecology and the Marine Spill Response Corp had responded to the scene.

The train was traveling east when both engines and at least one other car derailed before reaching a bridge that crosses the Swinomish Channel, said Swinomish Police Chief Earl Cowan in a news release.

The spill happened on a berm bordering a river, and most of the diesel leaked on the land side, the department said.

The Department of Ecology receives more than 4,000 spill reports each year. Washington's last oil spill caused by a train was a BNSF train derailment in Custer in December 2020, during which an estimated 28,962 gallons of oil were spilled, according to a report by The Seattle Times.


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