
Xizang official denounces "forced vocational training" claim

2023-11-10 17:37:09Xinhua Editor : Xue Lingqiao ECNS App Download

An official of southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region on Friday denounced the claim of so-called "forced vocational training" in the region, alleged by certain foreign institutions, as pure vilification. 

While responding to a media inquiry, Xu Zhitao, vice chairman of the regional government of Xizang, said the Chinese government has always attached great importance to the protection of people's right to work. 

Over recent years, the regional government of Xizang has implemented a proactive employment policy, ensured people's freedom to choose their own jobs, and boosted the employment of local farmers and herders through multiple channels, Xu added.

The vocational skills training system serves people above 16 years old who are seeking jobs and vocational training. The training plans take full account of their free choice and needs, said Xu. 

Xizang's enterprises are encouraged to employ local farmers and herders, and provide vocational training correspondingly, said Xu, adding that all these efforts are well received by employees and job seekers.


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