
China-Myanmar operation nabs over 800 telecom fraud suspects

2024-04-01 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A total of 807 people suspected of cross-border telecom fraud were recently captured, thanks to a joint international crackdown launched by police from China and Myanmar.

Among the suspects, 352 are Chinese nationals, who were handed over to Chinese police for further investigation on Sunday, and the rest will be handled by the Myanmar authorities, according to a statement released by China's Ministry of Public Security on Monday.

The crackdown was a law enforcement cooperation made by the police from the two countries for the first time in the Muse area of northern Myanmar, the statement said.

While calling the crackdown as another significant achievement in the law enforcement cooperation between the Chinese and Myanmar police, the ministry added that it has also demonstrated the two nations' strong determination and clear stance in jointly combating the cross-border telecom fraud.

Since the beginning of last year, in response to the severe situation of telecom fraud targeting China in northern Myanmar, the ministry has continuously deepened international cooperation with law enforcement agencies of Myanmar, the statement said.

So far, a series of joint operations have been carried out, with transfer of some 48,000 Chinese suspects involved in the fraud to China, it said.

As a result, the situation of the fraud has significantly eased, it added.

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