
Heavy rainfall forecast during Qingming Festival

2024-04-01 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Some regions in Central and South China are expected to experience moderate to heavy rainfall during the upcoming Qingming Festival holiday, which lasts from Thursday to Saturday, the country's meteorological authority said on Monday.

The China Meteorological Administration said over the next 10 days, overcast skies and rainy weather will be seen in Southwest China's Guizhou province, Central China's Hubei province, and the provinces of Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Anhui in East China, as well as Shanghai.

During the period, some of these areas will experience rainfall of 12 to 18 centimeters, while others may see more than 25 cm, the administration said.

From Monday to Wednesday, moderate to heavy rainfall is expected in the central and eastern provinces, as well as in the northern part of South China. Torrential rainfall and short-term severe convective weather will hit some of these areas, the administration said.

Meanwhile, the eastern regions of Northwest China, the western regions of North China, and the western regions of the Yellow Sea area will experience light rainfall, it said.

From Thursday to Saturday, moderate to heavy rainfall is expected in eastern regions, the central and northern parts of South China, and eastern Guizhou, with some areas experiencing torrential rainfall. Light rain will hit the eastern regions of Northwest China, the Sichuan Basin in Southwest China, and the eastern parts of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


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