
China-ASEAN Industrial Design City complete construction

2023-10-11 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- The first phase of the China-ASEAN Industrial Design City has been completed in Liuzhou City, southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

It will serve as an industrial design center radiating across Guangxi, southwestern China, and ASEAN countries.

"The industrial design city will attract design industries from China and ASEAN countries through various preferential policies. Currently, six to seven enterprises have already settled in the first phase of the project, and the supporting facilities are still being continuously improved," said Wang Yuyue, deputy director of local Investment Promotion Bureau.

According to the plan, the design city is the largest in scale and most comprehensive in regional functionality among domestically constructed industrial design cities.

It covers a total land area of around 332 hectares, with a total building area of approximately 1.3 million square meters. It includes not only an industrial design research and development center, a cross-border e-commerce area, and other facilities, but also an independent design college, providing industrial talent support for the design city.

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