
New double-layered ice cave discovered in Xizang

2024-03-20 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
A huge double-layered ice cave was discovered near Penba county of the Xizang autonomous region, the third cave to be discovered in the last two years. (Photo by Sonom Chophel/For

A huge double-layered ice cave was discovered near Penba county of the Xizang autonomous region, the third cave to be discovered in the last two years. (Photo by Sonom Chophel/For

Following the discovery of the Gangkar Ice Cave in March 2023, a new double-layered ice cave has recently been discovered near the Phayum Second Village in Penba county of the Xizang autonomous region. The latest cave is a short 15km from the previous discovery.

According to preliminary surveys, the new cave is massive, measuring 300 meters long. The cave's entrance is roughly 12 meters tall and 8 meters wide. The interior of the ice cave forms an upward spiral.

Walking through the cave gives the impression of navigating a crystal palace surrounded by pristine ice formations.


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