
Beijing police detain four in subway construction collapse investigation

2024-06-11 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Beijing authorities have taken action and detained four individuals involved in a collapse incident at a subway power relocation construction site, which led to the death of a worker, according to the Beijing police on Tuesday.

The individuals were detained following an investigation report released in mid-May. The report detailed the Jan 18 collapse incident at a power relocation construction site for Beijing Subway Line 3 in Beijing's Chaoyang district.

The report highlighted that the worker died of asphyxiation from being buried under sand. The investigative team concluded that the accident was a result of unauthorized operations by construction personnel and inadequate safety management by the unit at fault.

Beijing Xingyuan Fuyuan Power Equipment Installation Co, a specialized subcontractor, and Beijing Longxiang Hongtai Construction Engineering Co, a labor subcontractor, were identified as having primary management responsibilities for the incident and are recommended to face administrative penalties.

The four detained individuals were all from the two companies and directly linked to the accident, bearing management responsibilities.

The case is currently undergoing further processing, according to the Beijing police.


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