
Fatal blast caused by illegal production

2024-07-23 09:20:40China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

An explosion that killed seven people and left one injured on Jan 20 in Juancheng county, Shandong province, was caused by the illegal production of 3-chloropropyne, a chemical compound that can pose significant risks due to its explosive nature, according to an investigation report on the explosion released on Friday.

The accident took place at an abandoned factory in the town of Danian, the Shandong Provincial Emergency Management Department said.

Workers triggered the explosion by using a high-current welding machine to cut a steel bracket above an industrial-sized distillation kettle, generating high-temperature welding slag that ignited the 3-chloropropyne in the kettle.

The initial explosion cascaded into subsequent blasts, claiming the lives of on-site workers, burning materials, and causing extensive damage to factory facilities and homes in surrounding villages.

The accident caused direct economic losses valued at 9.9 million yuan ($1.36 million), the report said.

The investigation report noted critical deficiencies in the response to the accident, emphasizing delays in reporting vital information that could have potentially averted fatalities. It also underscored the county's failure to enforce stringent measures to eradicate illicit operations, leading to the accident.

The illegal production site, managed by Zang Zhiqiang, had previously operated in another town, where it attracted complaints from residents due to strong odors. Despite those concerns, town authorities merely ordered the dismantling of equipment without reporting the issue to higher authorities, enabling Zang to relocate and resume operations.

The report said Zang had sold 2 metric tons of 3-chloropropyne to a company the day before the explosion, with each ton priced at 84,500 yuan. One additional ton was destroyed during the accident.

Recommendations from the report include holding 28 public officials accountable for their involvement, including the head of the county's power supply station, who neglected to review the application materials submitted by the illegal production site as mandated, and illicitly reinstated power supply to the facility.


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