
China sees significant drop of pollution-related cases

2024-11-13 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China has seen a drop in environmental and ecological disputes since 2021, showing that its environmental protection and construction efforts have improved, the country's top court said.

The number of pollution-related criminal cases has declined significantly, as stated by the Supreme People's Court at an environmental adjudication meeting on Tuesday.

Reflecting on environment cases handled over the past decade, the top court said China has become a nation with the most extensive coverage and complete judicial system on the issue.

From June 2014 to September this year, Chinese courts concluded 2.16 million environmental lawsuits, with the number of environmental adjudication bodies, such as teams or tribunals, has increased from 134 in 2014 to more than 2,400 today.

Zhang Jun, president of the top court, praised China's judicial achievements and called on judicial organs nationwide to guide polluters to promote environmental remediation and damage compensation while providing them with punishments.

In addition, he pledged full support and cooperation for the compilation of the country's code on environment and ecology, with more participation in formulating international rules on environmental conservation.

On Tuesday, the top court also issued 10 model bases for environmental judicial protection and restoration, including those in Zhejiang, Fujian and Shanxi provinces.

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