Travel News

Surge in Chinese travelers to France ahead of Paris Olympics boosts flight load factor

2024-07-26 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

As the Paris Olympic Games approaches, Chinese travelers have shown great interest in visiting France, and the load factor of flights between China and France reports a 3.94 percent month-on-month growth, according to China Eastern Airlines. (Photo provided to China Daily)

As the Paris Olympic Games approaches, Chinese travelers have shown great interest in visiting France, and the load factor of flights between China and France reports a 3.94 percent month-on-month growth, according to China Eastern Airlines.

The Shanghai-based carrier handled about 16,000 passenger trips between China and France during the first 18 days of July, and the occupancy rate of the Sino-France flights rose 3.94 percent to 84.48 percent from a month earlier. In the meantime, flight ticket bookings between the two nations surpassed the same period in 2019, according to the airliner.

To better meet international travelers' demand for air traveling during the Olympic Games, China Eastern has recently added 16 extra flights between Shanghai and Paris, said China Eastern.


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