
Echoes of Time

2024-11-07 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Dapu Town, Yongchun County, which belongs to Quanzhou City, waves the flag of the ancient method of making incense with full vigor, and through the Maritime Silk Road, the incense is infiltrated into foreign countries with harmonious gestures like clouds.

The film focuses on the "Maritime Silk Road", and attempts to explore the character of Chinese incense makers from the perspective of the inheritors of Arab descent and ordinary workers, digging up the dedication, inheritance and innovation of several generations.

Through the filming of real incense-making scenes, the process and other shots to create the effect of time-space dialog, so as to provide more discovery perspectives and cultural underpinnings for the Maritime Silk Road, spreading the charm of Yongchun incense making to the world.


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