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Elderly penalized by removal of ‘non-green’ bankbooks

2012-02-10 09:53 Global Times     Web Editor: Zang Kejia comment

Beijing Consumer Association (BCA) issued a statement yesterday criticizing some banks in Beijing, after reports revealed they have cancelled their bankbook service in a bid to be more "environmentally friendly" and save time for customers.

Cancelling the bankbook service is unreasonable and disrespectful to clients, said BCA, especially for seniors who are not used to bank cards.

A 69-year-old resident was rejected by a Beijing Rural Commercial Bank (BRCB) when trying to withdraw money using her medical insurance bankbook before the holiday.

"They told me I can only withdraw cash if I change my bankbook into a card," said the resident surnamed Ma, the Beijing Evening News reported. Many seniors like her have had the same problem recently, she told the paper.

Some banks, including the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), have similar policies encouraging customers to use bank cards, the report said. However, customer service employees with ICBC and BRCB said yesterday they had not cancelled their bankbook service in Beijing.

"But it's true residents can only use bankbooks at some designated outlets in Beijing. We're trying to reach a green service goal by saving paper," said the ICBC employee. 

"I don't like it if banks make us only use cards, as the ATM passwords and procedures are difficult to remember," said a senior resident surnamed Wu at Hepingli, Chaoyang district.

"I prefer bankbooks, though it can take an hour queuing each time I go to the ICBC," he said, "banks should respect our choices."

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