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Female suspect pepper-sprayed by police

2012-03-05 13:36 Global Times     Web Editor: Zang Kejia comment

A 29-year-old woman attempting to steal a car plate at a Yangpu district parking lot Sunday was pepper-sprayed by local police, after she waved tools about and refused to surrender to officers, said authorities.

The woman, whose identity was not disclosed, was confronted by police Sunday afternoon, after they were tipped off by a security guard.

Upon arrival, police asked her to stop, but the woman ignored them, shouting and waving her tools at them - officers sprayed her to "take control of the situation."

The woman, who was found in possession of 10 stolen vehicle plates Sunday, was sent to a nearby hospital and determined fine by staff afterwards, said police.

It was unclear why the woman, who was still being held for questioning Sunday, had disobeyed police orders.

But, witnesses said that the woman suffers from a mental disorder.

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