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TV documentary gets right to use image

2012-06-15 10:01    comment

A famous Chinese artist granted the documentary channel of China Central Television the right on Thursday to use a promotional graphic based on his painting for its hit documentary A Bite of China.

Some viewers thought the graphic, an image of cloudy mountains made from slices of dried pork, mimicked a work of Xu Qinsong, vice-chairman of the China Artists Association and president of the Guangdong Painting Academy.

It is used in the titles of the documentary and related posters.

In a ceremony in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on Thursday, Xu gave the CCTV channel the right to use his painting free of charge and the channel executive pledged to put Xu's name on the promotional materials and related products.

Zhang Facai, the graphic's designer, apologized for infringing on Xu's copyright and a lack of meticulousness in selecting the materials for the graphic.

Xu's painting, finished in 2007, is on exhibition at the Guangdong Museum of Art in Guangzhou along with works of his.

"Chinese paintings represent Chinese color and Chinese food represents Chinese taste. Together, they make the essence of Chinese culture," Xu said, pledging to contribute to the efforts to promote the Chinese culture.

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