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Jiangxi governor visits Taiwan to promote ties

2012-08-21 10:29 Xinhua     Web Editor: Wang YuXia comment

The governor of east China's Jiangxi province arrived in Taipei on Monday, kicking off a six-day visit designed to further promote economic and cultural ties between the two sides.

Governor Lu Xinshe said he hopes to use the visit to help the Taiwanese get to know his province, both economically and culturally.

"During the tour, we want to visit our old friends in Taiwan and at the same time make some new ones," he said.

During the first day of his visit, Lu met with Lien Chan and Wu Pohsiung, honorary chairmen of the Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) Party. The leaders highlighted the vast potential for economic and cultural cooperation between Jiangxi and Taiwan, as well as addressed the importance of maintaining peace across the Taiwan Strait.

Jiangxi had attracted 7 billion U.S. dollars in Taiwanese investment as of June 2012, making Taiwan the province's second-largest source of investment outside the mainland.

During his stay in Taiwan, Lu will formally launch "Jiangxi Week" in Taiwan, as well as inaugurate a tourism trade show and open a book fair.

Lu will also travel to central and southern Taiwan to promote trade, investment, tourism and cultural opportunities in Jiangxi. He is expected to wrap up his visit on Saturday after a press briefing in Taipei.

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