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Foreign leaders, parties hail China on CPC congress

2012-11-12 08:43 Xinhua     Web Editor: Mo Hong'e comment

Foreign political leaders and parties continued to send congratulatory messages to China on the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which opened Thursday.

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, also leader of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity (VMRO-DPMNE), said in his message that while leading the Chinese people to build a prosperous, rich and strong country, the CPC is also making continuous progress in lifting the country's global status.

He said he is satisfied with the current relations between the two nations and is ready to further conduct mutually beneficial cooperation with China in all areas.

Roosevelt Skerrit, prime minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica and leader of the Dominica Labor Party, lauded the closer ties between the two countries as well as the increasingly frequent contacts between their political parties and governments.

"We believe that China's relationship with the Caribbean was considerably enhanced and there is a better understanding of your people and their culture as a result of many exchanges we have had at party and governmental levels," he said in the message.

Juan Ponce Enrile, president of the Philippine Senate and head of the Forces of the Filipino Masses, said he believes the incoming new CPC leadership would bring more prosperity and well-being to the Chinese people.

He said it is the sincere hope of Manila to further enhance the diplomatic ties between the two nations, maintain bilateral dialogue and strengthen cooperation and understanding between the two peoples.

Feliciano R. Belmonte Jr., speaker of the Philippine House of the Representatives and head of the Liberal Party, said delegates to the CPC national congress will make important decisions on the future development of the CPC and China.

He said the Philippine House of the Representatives is committed to developing the ties between the two countries and supports the efforts of the CPC and the Chinese government in deepening cooperation and understanding between the two peoples.

Afghan Vice President Mohammad Karim Khalili, also head of the Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan, hailed the impressive success achieved by the Chinese people under the outstanding leadership of the CPC.

He said he is confident that China will have a more splendid future under the incoming new CPC leadership.

Ranil Wickremesinghe, leader of the United National Party of Sri Lanka, said since the 18th CPC congress is of great importance in China's socialist modernization drive, his party looks forward to a successful conclusion of the congress and the election of a new CPC Central Committee and a new CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Mahbubul Alam Hanif, joint secretary general of the Bangladesh Awami League, said the CPC is the driving force behind all the glorious achievements in China.

"Bangladesh and China share many similar historical and cultural backgrounds, and we hope in the near future Bangladesh will become China's best economic partner," he said.

Hajj Mohammad Mohaqiq, leader of the People's Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan, wished the CPC congress a success, saying his party believes that under the leadership of a new CPC Central Committee, the Chinese people will make new achievements in national construction and international affairs.

His party is as always dedicated to developing friendly relations between the two parties and two countries, and wishes the friendship between the two countries live forever, Mohaqiq added.

Debabrata Biswas, general secretary of All India Forward Bloc, said China now has been lauded across the world for achieving a sustainable development and the maximum targets of the Millennium Development Goals.

"The achievement is certainly due to the scientific implementation of Chinese Socialism with Chinese Characteristics," he said, adding that the outcome of the 18th CPC congress will certainly strengthen the governing capacity of the party to address challenges in economic development facing the Chinese people.

Liberal Party of the Philippines (LPP) President Mar Roxas and LPP Executive Vice President Joseph Emilio Aguinaldo Abaya said in a message that the CPC congress is convening at a time of surging prosperity and reform in China.

The LPP believes China's development and prosperity will provide impetus for prosperity in the region and the world, the message said, adding relations between the LPP and the CPC will be conducive to boosting the common interests of both peoples.

Secretary General of the Democratic Party of Timor-Leste Mariano Assanami Sabino said the 18th CPC congress is a big event in China's political life, adding that pooling the wisdom of the whole party, the congress is set to make successful political decisions.

The people of Timor-Leste appreciates the brotherly support given by the CPC and the Chinese government and expects to continue to learn from the CPC, Sabino said.

Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq, president of Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, said in a congratulatory message that the world has witnessed China's phenomenal social and economic development under the leadership of the CPC.

"I believe this congress will mark a new significant development of the party in the struggle for social progress, prosperity and harmony," he said.

Kasymguly Babayev, first secretary of the political committee of the Turkmen Democratic Party, said in his message he wishes the CPC national congress a full success.

Promoted by the two countries' leaders, Turkmenistan and China have achieved positive results in boosting political, economic and cultural cooperation, strengthening people's communication and consolidating mutual trust and friendship, he said, adding the Turkmen Democratic Party sets a high value on its good ties with the CPC.

Dalia Itzik, chairwoman of the Kadima Faction of the Knesset of Israel, said the 18th CPC National Congress is held at a time when the politics and economy of the Middle East and the world enters a crucial developing period, and it has a great impact on China and the world at large.

The next generation of the CPC leadership elected by the congress will surely keep advancing and bring more benefits to the well-being of the Chinese people.

Vijay Jolly, convener of Overseas Affairs of the Indian People's Party, said in a message: "We had noted with appreciation the opening up of your economy, deepening reforms, promoting scientific development, and strengthening social harmony and all-round development in China."

It is appreciable that the CPC has been steering the people of China on a path of prosperity in the economic, political, social and cultural spheres, he said, adding "today China enjoys global prestige and a high status in world affairs."

He said he believes the strategic policies formulated by the 18th CPC National Congress will promote strong friendly ties with democratic India.

Karan Singh, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Indian National Congress, said in a message as the world's two most populous countries and neighbors, the good-neighborly and friendly relations between India and China can make great contribution to world peace and stability.

"We hope the relationship between India and China can advance with the times, and all of the problems between the two countries can be solved in a peaceful and friendly way," he said.

Chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Algirdas Butkevicius said he does hope and wish that the 18th CPC National Congress will uphold the policy of reform and opening-up and set out specific goals, missions and guidelines for future development.

The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party looks forward to working together with the CPC for creating closer cooperation between Lithuania and China, and promoting friendship and solidarity of the people in the two countries, he added.

Beyom Malo Adrien, secretary general of the Patriotic Salvation Movement of Chad, said his party would actively strengthen communication with the CPC, learn from the CPC's experience, and believed the 18th National Congress of the CPC would become a new beginning of promoting relations between the two countries to better serve the interests of the two peoples.

Leader of Cape Verde's Movement for Democracy Party Carlos Veiga said in his congratulatory message that he believed the new generation of the CPC's central leadership would guide China to march forward on its current extraordinary path.

He expressed hope that the friendly and cooperative ties between the two parties and two countries will achieve greater progress.

Colombia's Radical Change Party said in its congratulatory message that China has been developing its socialism with Chinese characteristics steadily under the leadership of the CPC and expressed hope the 18th national congress would complete all its agenda to outline China's development in the 21st century.

Cesar Gaviria, chief of the Colombian Liberal Party, said he hoped the 18th National Congress of the CPC would further strengthen unity of the Chinese people and promote China's role in international affairs as a harmonious, prosperous and free nation.

Robert Pickersgill, chairman of the People's National Party of Jamaica, said his party attaches great importance to developing relations with China, and expressed hope the friendly partnership between the two parties would deepen in the future.

President of Uruguay's Broad Front Party Monica Xavier said in his congratulatory message that his party has been closely watching the results of the 18th National Congress of the CPC and is ready to promote the friendly relations already existing between the two parties.

Mexico's National Action Party also sent its congratulatory message, saying it believed the congress would guide China toward prosperity and closer relations between the two countries.

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