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Schools teach Chinese calligraphy

2013-03-04 13:18 CNTV     Web Editor: yaolan comment

Here in China, a new school semester has started. Most primary and junior high students may have found that a new subject has been added to the curriculum--Chinese calligraphy.

New semester, new class. Every Thursday afternoon, the students at this primary school in East China's Jiangsu Province study Chinese calligraphy class. The class is tailor-made for

students of different ages.

3rd grader Hua Yifan said, "Calligraphy is a classic art of Chinese culture. I think it's a good thing that it's added to the curriculum. Now I have more time to learn it properly and practice more."

With the development of computer technology, more students are now relying on keyboards rather than pens.

Penmanship has suffered, as well as the development of the traditional art.

Teacher Huang Li said, "The class not only teaches the kids traditional art of Chinese calligraphy but also trains their ability to concentrate and focus. It's good for their growth. "

Unfortunately there are not enough qualified teachers.

For now, most of the calligraphy classes are making do with literature teachers.

Many schools are considering cooperating with local calligraphy associations to train new teachers.


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