South Korean President Park Geun-hye impressed students at Tsinghua University on Saturday with her speech in Chinese.(File Photo/CRI)
South Korean President Park Geun-hye impressed students at Tsinghua University on Saturday with her speech in Chinese.
In fact, the number of South Korean people who can speak Chinese has grown exponentially over the past decade. There are now 19 Confucius Institutes and 4 Confucius Classrooms in South Korea, a clear sign that learners can't get enough of Chinese.
Speaking in Chinese, South Korean President Park Geun-hye delivers a speech to students at Tsinghua University. She praised both country's exchange programmes, with many students from both countries studying in the other.
After the speech, Tsinghua University presented Park with a calligraphy piece by Chinese scholar Feng Youlan.
But the love of both the Chinese language and culture is not reserved for the visiting head of state. In South Korea, at Taesung High School in the city of Yongin, students are singing a Chinese song before class.
This class has been set exclusively for those who want to attend Chinese colleges.
Learning Chinese to experience China