4. We supported deputies in exercising their duties in accordance with the law and got them to fully play their role.
Deputies to the NPC are members of the country's highest organ of state power. Respecting their principal position, improving their quality, and getting them to fully play their role are the basis for doing the work of people's congresses well. The Standing Committee improved the mechanism for providing services for deputies and served them better, and deputies better played their role in participating in the administration of state affairs.
First, we improved the system by which deputies maintain contact with the people. We divided the deputies to the NPC into 260 groups, supported their active activities, and listened to and reported on the people's opinions and requests through a variety of ways. Some members of the Chairperson's Council and the Standing Committee participated in activities of groups of deputies in their places of election, and discussed the performance of the NPC's duties with deputies from local levels. We organized 1,740 deputies to conduct investigations and studies on special topics and 1,700 deputies to participate in inspection tours. These investigations generated over 110 reports, which provided the central and local authorities with important reference materials for making policy decisions. We arranged for deputies from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan to carry out inspections, investigations and studies in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jilin, and Jiangxi.
Second, we improved the system by which the Standing Committee maintains contact with deputies. We formulated guidelines for creating closer ties between members of the Chairperson's Council and NPC deputies, which clearly specify that each member of the Chairperson's Council should maintain direct contact with at least five NPC deputies. This is an important measure adopted by the Standing Committee to strengthen its ties with deputies and improve its conduct. We expanded the participation of deputies in the work of the Standing Committee and special committees, and the number of deputies sitting on a meeting of the Standing Committee was increased to 66. We also invited more deputies to participate in such activities as law enforcement inspections, legislative assessments, and investigations and studies; and conscientiously listened to deputies' comments and suggestions. For example, when revising the Trademark Law, we fully adopted suggestions of deputies on prohibiting pirate registration of trademarks in bad faith, clarifying how to resolve legal matters involving trademark and trade name conflicts, and specifying awards for punitive damages. When we deliberated the report on developing the mechanism of compensation for ecological damage, deputies proposed increasing ecological compensation commensurate with improvements made in the ecosystems of public forests and grasslands. We incorporated their proposals into the comments of Standing Committee members, and turned them over to relevant departments to be looked into and handled.
Third, we deliberated deputies' bills and handled their proposals well. We combined deliberation of deputies' bills with legislative work, combed and analyzed the legislative items deputies' bills focused on, and incorporated 51 items set forth in 169 bills into legislative programs and plans. In the process of enacting and revising laws, we gave full consideration to what was relevant and accepted all we could, and invited the lead authors of bills to participate in legislative studies and discussions. We handled deputies' proposals while improving our work. We selected 12 key proposals reflected in the 166 proposals put forth by 728 deputies and 10 delegations for handling under the supervision of the relevant special committees. Proposals made by deputies on advancing urbanization both actively and prudently, improving the mechanism of compensation for ecological damage, intensifying poverty alleviation and development in poor areas, preventing and controlling air pollution, developing clean energy, and improving the social assistance system were fully reflected in policies and measures introduced by the State Council and other relevant bodies. At present, special committees have completed deliberation on the 401 bills of deputies referred to them by the Presidium of the First Session of the Twelfth NPC; and the 7,569 proposals of deputies have all been handled and feedback has been given to deputies, and 81% of the problems brought up in proposals have been solved or plans have been made for solving them progressively.
The Standing Committee attaches great importance to deputies' study and training and last year held four study sessions for them to better perform their duties. More than 1,200 deputies attended the study sessions, where they improved their ability to perform their duties in accordance with the law.
The election of deputies is the foundation of the system of people's congresses. The case of vote buying that occurred in Hengyang in the province of Hunan was a serious violation of the law and discipline. It exerted a baneful influence and gave us a stern warning. We must strengthen the organization and leadership of the election of NPC deputies; act strictly in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures; improve the NPC deputies' way of thinking and conduct; and uphold the authority and sanctity of the system of people's congresses, the authority and sanctity of socialist democracy, and the authority and sanctity of the Constitution and laws.