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Chinese detained for posting rumors on foreign website  


境外网站“爆料人”向南夫涉嫌寻衅滋事罪被依法刑拘。据警方透露,向南夫编造“中国政府活摘人体器官、活埋人,大批群众到联合国驻华机构外抗议”“千余警察暴力征地,五月孕妇被当场打死”等虚假信息,在境外网站“博讯网”发表。 [查看全文]
2014-05-13 09:00 Xinhua Web Editor: Mo Hong'e
Beijing resident Xiang Nanfu is detained for posting false information on a foreign website to get high payment. [Photo / Screenshot from CCTV]

Beijing resident Xiang Nanfu is detained for posting false information on a foreign website to get high payment. [Photo / Screenshot from CCTV]

A Beijing resident was detained for posting false information on a foreign website to get high payment, seriously harming the country's image, police said Tuesday.

Xiang Nanfu, 62, have published lots of false stories on the website "Boxun" since 2009, with his username "Feixiang"--"flying" in Chinese.

Fabricated information included "Chinese government harvested organs from living humans and buried people alive, causing mass protest outside United Nations organizations in China," "More than 1,000 policemen expropriated land with violence, beating a pregnant woman to death," as well "a petitioner was beaten to death with the body abandoned in street," according to Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Xiang's actions were instigated and highly paid with US dollars by a man surnamed Wei who was in charge of the website, police said.

The false information has seriously misled the public and Internet users and denigrated the image of the state, police said.

Police put Xiang in custody on May 3. He has confessed to his crimes and has repented, police said.

The police is continuing investigation into the case.


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