However, the Gates Foundation initiative means much more than a grant for people like Zuo. It is also a platform to build better business and recognition globally.
During the two-day event, Zuo was approached by a US official with government offers to purchase her products and assistance in passing through the US drug safety tests.
"We would never had such opportunity without the Gates Foundation,"she said.
Ye Lei, Gates Foundation Beijing office's chief director, said, "we are more willing to help Chinese firms understand the demands of the international market and to meet international standards at an early stage."
She said such grants help Chinese companies enter the world stage much easier.
In the past few years, China's health innovators have been gaining increased recognition, pushing organizations like the Gates Foundation to seek out closer cooperation.
"It's been changing over the years, you know, to the extent that with a tremendous development of your economy and your healthcare infrastructure, we've seen lots of need for us to partner with groups on healthcare in China,"said Trevor Mundel, president of the Gates Foundation's Global Health Program.
He says 16 Chinese projects have won Grand Challenges Exploration grants so far and in the next decade more innovations will emerge from the country.
Mundel cited Ustar as an example. He believed the project is "very promising".
"We hope to set up deeper partnership with China to help solve health problems in other countries in Asia and Africa,"he said, noting the Beijing office of the Gates Foundation has more than 30 officers running cooperative projects.
According to Ye Lei, Grand Challenges 2015 will be held in China as the Gates Foundation looks to attract more young and talented Chinese innovators.
"Discovery science takes time - and we must be comfortable with a high rate of failure as we make 'big bets' on bold ideas," Gates said.