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Experts discuss fresco protection at Xi'an symposium

2014-10-17 09:13 chinadaily.com.cn Web Editor: Si Huan

More than 300 heritage protection experts from Germany, Italy, South Korea and Japan, as well as from Chinese provinces and regions discussed mural protection this week in Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province.

Held on Thursday and Friday, the International Symposium of Preventive Protection Research on Chinese Ancient Frescoes focused on how best to protect and restore frescoes and architectural surfaces, key technologies to prevent mold and shedding, research on characteristics of mural materials in ancient tombs, and research on micro morphology and discoloration of mural surfaces and other topics relating to fresco protection.

There are more than 2,000 sq meters of ancient frescoes kept in museums in Shaanxi province, which have made great achievements in mural protection, restoration and studies.

The symposium sponsored by the Shaanxi History Museum and supported by UNESCO aims to greatly enhance the theoretical level and technical practical level of heritage protection professionals, and to further promote research and cooperation with foreign institutions on mural protection.

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