Amazing Shanghai Exhibition is held in Cologne, Germany, which is giving visitors a better understanding of Shanghai's culture, art and contemporary architecture.
Amazing Shanghai Exhibition is held in Cologne, Germany, which is giving visitors a better understanding of Shanghai's culture, art and contemporary architecture. As a part of the Exhibition, a 360-degree panoramic rotunda of Shanghai has caught the eyes of many.
This autumn, in Cologne, Germany, people can experience the big Chinese city of Shanghai in a new dimension. Instead of looking at flat images, viewers can now literally immerse themselves in the pictures.
Visitors to the exhibition can enter an open-air rotunda to see an 18 foot high panorama. Even very small and unique details found in the Shanghai skyline can be clearly seen from the platform.
The panorama consists of 60 images shot over a short period of time. The pictures are assembled on a computer and printed onto large metal sheets to give the 360-degree effect, with all of the viewpoints merging into one against the horizon.
Renowned architectural photographer, Hans George Esch, said it took five weeks to complete the project. He hopes the photographs reflect reality.
"I am very attracted by megacities worldwide. I like the energy and vitality of them. It's very interesting that I found Shanghai is like New York. It's a very open and muilt-cultured city. This is what inspired the idea." said Hans George Esch, Architectural Photographer.
The panorama was taken this year from Jin Mao Tower, an 88-story landmark skyscraper in Shanghai. For the viewers, the images give a comprehensive view of the city and create interest in visiting Shanghai.
Shanghai Week in Cologne was organized by the Information Office of Shanghai Municipality.
As a part of the event, ICS, the foreign-language channel of the Shanghai Media Group held a launch ceremony for Shanghai TV programs at the Dusseldorf TV center. Programs produced by ICS will be broadcast until the 28th on Dusseldorf TV to showcase Shanghai's cuisine, fashion and art.