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China not in deflation: Premier Li   

李克强:并不是中国向世界输出通缩 而是“被通缩”

李克强:关于通货紧缩,国际上对这个提法有多种解释,比较一致的就是说一个国家的物价总水平持续出现负增长。中国CPI或者说物价总水平1月份是正增长,2月份涨幅比1月份更高,所以不能说中国已经出现了通货紧缩。 [查看全文]
2015-03-15 12:27 Xinhua Web Editor: Yao Lan

China is not in a deflation, Premier Li Keqiang said at a press conference Sunday following the conclusion of China's annual parliamentary session. [Special coverage]

"I don't think there is a deflation in China," Li said, citing the country's inflation figures in the past two months, and referring to a major global criterion that defines deflation as consecutive negative growth of overall consumer prices.

China's consumer price index (CPI), the main gauge of inflation, quickened from the 0.8-percent gain in January to grow 1.4 percent year on year in February, official data showed.

Li stressed that China is not exporting deflation to other countries. On the contrary, he said "we are an receiving end of deflation."

The premier cited that China imported more volumes of crude oil and iron ore last year, with smaller total value, due to the tumbling commercial commodity prices.

"We are prepared to cope with such a situation," he said.

Li also expressed hopes to see a quicker global recovery.

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