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USITC decides punitive taxes on Chinese solar imports

2012-11-09 11:15 CNTV     Web Editor: yaolan comment

The long row between China and the U.S. on alleged dumping by Chinese solar imports has finally been settled with Chinese solar manufacturers losing the fight.

The U.S. International Trade Commission, the US-ITC, released the decision backed by all 6 committee members. It says that the U.S. solar industry was materially hurt by Chinese imports, thus allowing Washington to impose punitive duties on Chinese solar products.

The U.S. Commerce Department last month decided that Chinese imported solar products received subsidies of around 15 percent, and were sold at a dumping margin ranging from about 18 percent to nearly 250 percent. The final ruling by the US-ITC means that most Chinese solar companies would see punitive tariffs of over 30 percent.

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