China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) expressed "grave concerns" about an affirmative judgement by the United States Department of Commerce Wednesday in its anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations into Chinese photovoltaic (PV) products.
The MOC said the judgement will intensify disputes in the PV trade and impair bilateral industrial cooperation.
The United States has previously imposed similar measures on Chinese PV products regardless of the facts and application of the law, and the verdict this time again abused the trade remedy measures, violating its obligation to follow the rules set by the World Trade Organization, the MOC said.
The PV industry plays a key role in the world's sustainable development, making a proper solution in trade frictions necessary.
The ministry urged the United States to deliberate the serious consequences and handle trade frictions responsibly. China is considering safeguarding its own rights under the WTO framework and the US judicial system.
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