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China acts on regulating military personnel selection   

军方加强干部选拔任用监管 领导亲属严格任职回避

近日,部队发布专门针对干部选拔任用工作监督管理的五项规定。知情人士告诉北京青年报记者,这是部队首次成系统地规范选人用人制度,涉及军队高层领导干部及其秘书,也包含作战部队基层干部。 [查看全文]
2015-02-26 08:53 Xinhua Web Editor: Mo Hong'e

Chinese military authorities have issued five documents to optimize the selection and management of army officers.

The documents were approved by Chinese President and top military leader Xi Jinping, to "correct improper practices in the selection and appointment of army officials", according to a statement given to Xinhua on Wednesday.

The statement did not reveal more details, but it said the documents had clear stipulations on the selection and management of secretaries of senior army officials, and set requirements for the service time and experience of commanding officers in combat troops. It also limited posts for officers' relatives and subordinates to avoid nepotism.

Earlier this month, the People's Liberation Army also linked soldiers' weight to promotion in a five-year reform outline.

The "Reform and Development of Military Physical Training (2015-2020)" guideline stressed that physical training would help cultivate combat power.


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