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Chinese pandas arrive in new home

2012-01-16 13:32       Web Editor: Yuan Hang comment

Paris (CNS) - Two giant pandas, Yuan Zi and Huan Huan, from China's southwest Sichuan Province arrived on Sunday, January 15 at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport to start their new life in France. The pair was directly sent to the Beauval Zoo near the city of Tours in the French midlands.

The arrival of the pandas fired up the local citizenry to the extent the image of the pandas was printed on flags and people wore specially designed panda-head hats. "Today is a big day for us; the arrival of Huan Huan and Yuan Zi is a historic event for the Beauval Zoo", said its Founder and President Frances Delord.

French people will be able to see Yuan Zi and Huan Huan from February 11 onwards, after the pair has adapted somewhat to their new zoo.

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