Guangzhou (CNS) -- During the three-day holiday from April 3 to April 5, shopping malls in Guangzhou City were packed with shoppers, while high-end ones had few visitors "worshipping" luxury brands.
The luxury brands such as Gucci, LV and Prada gradually marched into the market of Guangzhou since 2010. People waiting in long queues for the opening of luxury brand stores used to be a common scene, but no more.
A reporter saw at the LV store, a dozen shoppers arrived but few with any intention of purchasing a product.
Chen Ruizhang, a local resident who was browsing through Happy Valley with his wife, said the price for goods here are higher than the same goods in overseas stores, not to mention the slow updating speed for new products. Chen said he preferred to buy luxury brands abroad.
Huang Wenjie, executive chairman of the Guangdong Circulation Chamber of Commerce, has concluded March and April were traditional low seasons for consumption, and citizens are usually disinterested in consuming on Tomb-sweeping Day.
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