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Cross-Straits marriages on ascent   

两岸婚姻超32万对 每年超万对递增受关注


2012-06-12 15:50     Web Editor: Xu Rui comment

Fuzhou (CNS) -- The number of cross-Straits marriages has topped 320,000 and are still growing by more than 10,000 couples per year, since the very first one was registered in Xiamen 1989, according to the organizing committee of the 4th Straits Forum, Monday.

Fujian leads all provinces and regions in the number of mainland spouses with Taiwan partners, thanks to its geological closeness to and cultural similarities with the island.

Cross-Straits marriages have found their way onto the agenda of the 4th Straits Forum for the first time, and discussion are expected to focus specifically on census registration, social security, employment, medical insurance, family planning, and cross-Straits mobility.

A special center for cross-Straits family services will be established, and a website for the same purpose will be launched soon.


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两岸婚姻超32万对 每年超万对递增受关注



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