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Scorching heat lingers in Xinjiang  

新疆立秋后持续高温 吐鲁番创近30年次极值


2012-08-24 10:56     Web Editor: Mo Hong'e comment

Urumqi (CNS) – A heat wave alert has been issued for northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, where high temperatures continue into late summer.

The latest heat wave hit the regional capital of Urumqi on Wednesday when the temperature climbed to 35.9℃, nearly reaching the record high of 36.2℃ for the season.

The Turpan Basin recorded temperatures above 40℃ for six consecutive days from August 14 to 19. The prefectures of Shihezi, Changji, Karamay and Bozhou were also scorched.

Xinjiang meteorological authorities said rain is expected from August 24 to 26, which will help relieve the effects of the heat wave.


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新疆立秋后持续高温 吐鲁番创近30年次极值



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