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Annual target looms over foreign trade growth  

中国出口增速延续低位 年度目标或难实现


2012-09-11 11:12     Web Editor: Zang Kejia comment

Xiamen (CNS) -- Our country's foreign trade growth may not reach the full-year target of 10 percent which was set at the beginning of this year, Li Jian, a researcher from the Ministry of Commerce, said on Monday.

China's exports rose 2.7 percent year-on-year to US$177.98 billion in August, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) also said Monday, adding that waning external demand makes the slow growth predictable.

Foreign trade with the EU amounted to US$365.05 billion from January to August, down 1.9 percent, said the GAC.

There is no possibility of a rebound in the EU market in the short term, said He Weiwen from the China Association of International Trade.

There is steady growth in the ASEAN market, but that is a small portion of China's foreign trade, so it will not change the overall situation, he added.

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中国出口增速延续低位 年度目标或难实现



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