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Martial arts camp opens in Wenzhou  

武术特色营开营 43位华裔青少年温州习武寻根(图)

7月8日上午,由国务院侨办和温州市侨办合作举办,温州体育运动学校承办的2013年海外华裔青少年“中国寻根之旅”夏令营“相约温州”武术特色营在温州体育运动学校武术馆开营。 [查看全文]
2013-07-10 12:35 Ecns.cn Web Editor: yaolan

(ECNS) -- A martial arts themed summer camp designed for overseas Chinese youths opened in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, on Tuesday.

The camp, held at the Wenzhou Sports School, is jointly hosted by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and the local overseas Chinese affairs office in Wenzhou.

A total of 43 overseas Chinese youths from several countries including the U.S., France and Italy are experiencing Chinese culture by learning martial arts like Taichi. Most of the youths share the same ancestral home of Wenzhou.

The camp is just one of seven summer camps at the event "Meet in Wenzhou."

Its curriculum includes traditional martial arts, classics recital, calligraphy, games and creative arts. The courses will be taught through kung fu songs, Wenzhou dialect, folk songs and handicrafts.

The camp will last until July 25.

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