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Chinese tourists caught stealing airline cutlery   

30名中国游客欲顺走新加坡航班刀叉 空姐索要不理睬

继“埃及神庙到此一游”、“江苏夫妇因航班延误大闹香港机场”之后,7月11日,在普罗旺斯南法薰衣草田里,两伙中国游客为抢拍照位置大打出手,中国游客又“火”了一把。 [查看全文]
2013-08-28 12:47 Ecns.cn Web Editor: yaolan

(ECNS) -- Members of a Chinese tour group have been caught trying to steal tableware on a Singapore Airlines flight, putting the image of Chinese tourists to shame again.

About 30 participants in the package tour group put stainless steel cutlery into their bags after having airline meals.

After noticing the behavior, airline stewardesses tried to stop them, explaining that passengers are not allowed to take away the nondisposable tableware.

The tourists insisted on taking the cutlery anyway, claiming that acquaintances who had once taken the same flight had told them the tableware was up for grabs.

The guide of the tour group finally got the tourists to return the cutlery.

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