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Overseas Chinese media talk up 'Chinese dream'   


“中国梦”,这是自2012年11月以来在神州大地上和炎黄子孙中最受关注和热议的话题之一。即将于滨海城市青岛拉开帷幕的第七届世界华文传媒论坛也以“中国梦——世界变局与华文媒体的新使命”为主题,为遍布世界各地的华文媒体人搭建了一个述说梦想的舞台。 [查看全文]
2013-09-04 08:55 Ecns.cn Web Editor: yaolan

Beijing (CNS) -- With the Seventh World Chinese Media Forum just around the corner, leaders of Chinese media have gathered to share insights into the connotation of the "Chinese dream".

With the theme of "Chinese dream -- fresh mission for Chinese media amid a changing world," this year's forum will provide a platform for Chinese media worldwide to express their dreams and expectations.

"The Chinese dream is a perfect combination of the dream of China as a country and the expectations of Chinese families, since the destinies of a nation and its families are bound together,"said Ye Zuozhao, president of the Global Chinese Press of Canada.

"For overseas Chinese media, making their voices heard in the international arena, and thus contributing to the international community, represents their common commitment to realizing the Chinese dream," according to Wei Yan, president of the Home and Abroad News Press of Hong Kong.

"The Chinese dream is also a civilization dream, since it offers a fresh prospect for the diversified development of human civilization," said Huang Chengwei, chief editor of the A China Media Group from Australia.

"The Chinese dream represents a dream for the whole world. By pursuing it, China can contribute to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asian-Pacific region and the world at large,"said Xu Shiying, president of The Mirror (Hong Kong).

The Seventh World Chinese Media Forum will be held in Qingdao, Shandong province on Sept. 7.

Hosted by China News Service every two years, it presents a grand gathering of Chinese media.

The "Chinese dream," an ideology put forth by Chinese president Xi Jinping in 2012, has emerged as a media buzz word. The core of this concept is to build a moderately prosperous society and realize national rejuvenation.

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